To worship God
To follow Christ
To heal a broken world in His name.

The Library is OPEN
We invite you to come and explore the wealth of books available.

The Library is open on week days during Office Hours
and assistance is offered on Mondays from 10:00 - 12:00.
Book of the Month

- Dini Esterhuizem (240 EST)
As a young journalist Dini Esterhuizen was invited to join a party attempting to climb Mt. McKinley in Alaska. She had no experience of mountain climbing and, in fact, was afraid of altitudes!
She managed very well until altitude sickness (lack of oxygen to the body) took hold and she was taken down to a lower altitude - in her battle for life, experienced her encounter with God.
She recovered and dedicated her life as a missionary and evangelist all over the world spreading the message of God’s hope and healing in times of trauma.
This is not the story of one person’s life, but about the Lord working in many.
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review
A journey with an incredible God
- Patricia O. Sills (SIL)
This is the life story of Patricia Olwyn Sills, who grew up in the Eastern Cape and trained as a nurse and missionary in Pretoria and Cape Town. She reflects on all the trails she had to face in the early days of mission work in Nigeria.
Her “journey with an incredible God” (her own words) was filled with many issues that face Christians - such as being single, celibate and handling anger and doubt.
A story well worth reading.
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

31 Undeniable prophecies of the apocalypse
- Dr. David Jeremiah (230 JER)
The Book of Signs, 31 undeniable prophecies by Dr. David Jeremiah is a book that encourages the reader to calculate the true cost of our faith in Jesus Christ.
It made me think very deeply about the character of God.
Having gained a greater understanding for the future from this book, I am able to keep my heart from unnecessary trouble and feel a peaceful confidence.
I highly recommend that every Christian must read this excellent guide to the book of Revelation.
With thanks to Rose Grimanis for the review

The amazing story of Joan Wales
- Ronald Clements (260 CLE)
This is the story of Joan Whales, a missionary sent to China in the 1940’s. It is an amazing story of the struggles of the early missionaries amongst the hostile Nuosu Tribes.
The Nuosu were often addicted to opium, Shamanism, devil worship and slavery, yet Joan managed to bring a few young people to Christ. Her work with the Broomhall family spanned ± 70 years with the China Inland Mission.
A very readable account of the difficulties faced with living and traveling in those early days.
“I have walked God’s paths for my life and been grateful to climb to a summit and glory in the great vista of peaks that point heavenward.” [312 Point me to the skies]
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

They looked for a miracle and found it in a song
- Karen Kingsbury (KIN)
Yes, we have fiction in our library!
It is all Christian based and not the popular fiction, but all very readable!
Unlocked is a story of an autistic young boy who is ‘unlocked’ through music and great understanding and patience. A great read, very easy reading, but quite emotionally charged. Highly recommended.
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

Learning to live in the Father's affection
- Wayne Jacobsen (243 JAC)
Understanding God’s love often finds us doubting. When all goes well we feel God loves us. When things go wrong we feel God does not love us.
The writer maintains that there is no one God does not love. His love reaches beyond every sin and failure, because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
So many aspects of every day life are examined and discussed and prove beyond any doubt that God wants us to trust Him and have a healthy relationship with Him.
With thanks to Monica Selly for the review

- Edward England (248.4 ENG)
How many children suffer because of an absent mother or father who are too busy to give time to them and their needs - not physical but emotional? If you are too busy to read this book and follow the advice given by faith in God, then you are addicted to a busy life.
Through personal experiences (heart attacks) and other reminders England leads us to shake off the addiction and listen to what God is telling us.
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

- Nic Vujicic (248.4 VUJ)
A man born with no arms or legs leads a fulfilling and blessed life through believing in God’s purpose for each one of us and by putting faith in action.
He addresses adversity and difficult circumstances that many people face today through personal experiences and stories about his own life and others whom he has met along the way.
A motivational speaker who has addressed audiences throughout the world and a easy to read book that will inspire and motivate everyone who reads it.
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

God in the I.C.U.
- Dr. Dave Walker (240 WAL)
Dr. Dave Walker was a practicing anaesthetist with a special interest in Intensive Care, were he encountered all manner of patients and he became desperate when modern medical intervention was failing his patients.
He himself, had suffered tragedies in his life and had lost faith in God, but he found himself praying desperately for healing for his patients.
God did intervene and Dr. Walker’s faith was restored as patients were healed. He started praying with parents and relatives as well and there were miracles of healing happening in his practice and in his personal journey to faith.
A remarkable book and quick and easy read.
* * * The book is available from our Church Library. * * *
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

Karla Faye Tucker: Set Free
- Linda Strom (TUC)
Karla was the first woman executed in Texas, in over 100 years. Despite many petitions and demonstrations for a story of execution. She had been imprisoned for 14 years on Death Row and was converted to Christianity while in prison.
This is her story as told by Linda Strom and contains a lot of her actual words and very personal information including her falling in love and marriage on Death Row.
It is not a depressing book at all, but her spiritual journey and evangelism on Death Row is inspiring.
A very good read!
* * * The book is available from our Church Library. * * *
With thanks to Jenny Pierce for the review

Dare to Laugh
- by Elizabeth H. Van Liere - (240 VAN)
This book is a first class fun and engaging read. I would recommend this book to seniors, soon to be seniors, or those who want to appreciate life from that perspective. Remembering to laugh at ourselves when we try to understand the inevitable struggles of old age.
Elizabeth pulls on her 90+ years of experience and is blessed to be able to look at her life square in the eyes and to, with chuckle, write an engaging narrative. She refers to the Apostle Paul’s statement … Rejoice in all things… and asserts that he was absolutely correct!
She certainly does not minimise her ‘shortcomings’ but her dependence on the Lord is very obvious. This read helps us to experience a remarkable lady who recounts the high points, the valleys, the laughs and the sorrows that have woven themselves into the many years of eventful living. Most of all, though, this is the story of her adventure in life and how laughing at herself made all the difference.
* * * The book is available from our Church Library. * * *
With thanks to André Greeff for the review

Women of the Bible
- by Ann Spangler & Jean E. Syswerda - (220 SPA)
Women of the Bible unlocks for us the lessons we can learn from a series of 52 women who featured on the pages of both Old and New Testament. In this fascinating overview we discover well-known figures such as Ruth, Elizabeth and Mary, as well as characters whose names are less familiar: Tamar, Jochebed and Rizpah.
Ann Spangler & Jean Syswerda treat each account in five stages: her story, her life and times, her legacy in Scripture, her promise and her legacy of prayer. these are not simply impersonal narratives, they encourage us to engage with the issues that these stories raise and help us to explore them at a very personal level. Each concludes with a practical prayer, such as the one from the life of Rachel: Father, forgive me for letting my identity rest on whose wife or mother I am or what kind of job I have. I don't want to view other women as my rivals but as potential friends and even soul mates. Please lead me to the friendships I desire, and help me to be patient with the process. Amen.
* * * The book is available from our Church Library. * * *
With thanks to Philip Parsons for the review

Prayer, does it make a difference?
- By Philip Yancey (248.3YAN)
The book is interspersed with stories and examples of actual down-to-earth encounters with prayer, which, combined with Yancey's informal style makes it eminently readable, despite its length. Readers are encouraged to press on to the last section, which deals with the Practice of Prayer which he describes in the introduction as "a privilege, not a duty". This book might not answer all your questions about prayer, and it will not provide you with a prescribed pattern either, but it will certainly stimulate you to think about why you pray, when you pray, how you pray and what you pray for.
When most Christians are asked where they have the most difficulty, the answer is often "prayer". But don't be fooled by Philip Yancey's book, entitled "Prayer, does it make a difference". This is not another one of the many self-help books that line the selves of Christian bookstores. Readers of (Philip Yancey's other books (Where is God when it hurts? The Jesus I never knew) will be aware that he tackles each topic with an honesty that goes beyond simplistic answers: "I write about prayer as a pilgrim, not an expert. I have the same questions that occur to almost everyone at some point. Is God listening?... If God knows everything, what's the point of prayer?... Does prayer change God or change me?" Yancey tackles these and other tough questions such as the relationship between prayer and physical healing and why prayers are unanswered, providing insights without pat theological answers.
* * * The book is available from our Church Library. * * *
With thanks to Philip Parsons for the review